How Students of Color Confront Impostor Syndrome

In this 2016 TED talk, Dr. Simmons shares her from the Bronx to boarding school and beyond to attain all the markers of academic prestige. Dr. Simmons knows that for students of color, success in school sometimes comes at the cost of living authentically. Now an educator herself, Dr. Simmons discusses how we might create a classroom that makes all students feel proud of who they are. "Every child deserves an education that guarantees the safety to learn in the comfort of one's own skin," she says.


What To Do If Your Student Comes At You With Scissors?

In this talk, Dr. Simmons shares an experience she had as a middle school teacher in the Bronx, when she was confronted by a student who approaches her with a pair of scissors. She speaks to the violence of poverty and how much more we all have to do to ensure that all children have what they need to thrive.


It’s 10PM. Do you know where your children are?

In this inspiring talk, Dena Simmons challenges listeners to confront their fear and to attend to the safety and wellbeing of our students. Motivated by the pursuit of education, and destined to return to her home neighborhood, Simmons reflects on the journey that led her to educating others so that they too may seek a better life. Through a thoughtful reflection on the interaction of students, parents, communities, and the individual teacher, Simmons encourages listeners to become more compassionate and culturally responsive educator


CASEL SEL Exchange Panel 2019

On this panel, Dr. Simmons gives a short address on the dangers of SEL if we do not apply an equity and anti-racist lens before joining a larger discussion with other panelists.


Keepers of Belonging

Dr. Simmons joins others panelists to reflect on the concept of belonging.


Abolitionist Teaching & The Future of Schools

Dr. Simmons joins Brian Jones and Drs. Bettina Love and Gholdy Muhammad to discuss an abolitionist future for schools. The event was organized by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and Haymarket Books.


6 Ways to be an Antiracist Educator

Dr. Simmons discusses six ways to engage in antiracist work in the classroom with Edutopia.


Punished For Dreaming Panel

Dr. Simmons discusses Dr. Bettina Love’s book, Punished for Dreaming, with Dr. Bettina Love and Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz on a panel moderated by Yaribel Mercedes at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.